BC Society – Societies Act
- Name of Society: Powerhouse Theatrical Society
- Incorporation Number: S0006517
- Business Number: 11928 3489 BC0001
- Filed Date and Time: October 8, 2017 02:14 PM Pacific Time
The purposes of the Powerhouse Theatrical Society are:
- to promote interest in and advance knowledge of the dramatic arts, literature and music, provide facilities for training, education and advancement in artistic endeavours.
- to acquire by purchase, lease, gift or otherwise, and to build, construct, erect, operate and maintain any and all facilities, improvements and equipment;
- manage, develop, improve, exchange, rent, allow the use of, lease, mortgage, dispose of or otherwise deal with all or any of the property, assets, equipment, or rights of the Society as the Society may decide upon from time to time;
- raise, borrow, provide or otherwise secure funds in such a manner as the Society may see fit and, in particular, by mortgage or by issue of notes, bonds, debentures or otherwise charged upon all or any of the Society’s assets or property and to redeem and pay same.