1987 – 1988 Season

About The Play

DirectorSarah Perry
  • Producer

    Darlene Ricketts

  • Producer

    Cathy Hendy

  • Producer

    Willem Roell


Cam Dave Abbott
Ruth Joan Karstensen
Jean Cathy Sakakibara
Billy John Mussenden
Ken Gary Holland
Roy David Jones
Miss Halverson Darlene Ricketts
Mike Dave Robertson
Duncan Walt Kiser
Ross Chris Bayne
Ernest Kris Le Drew


Stage Manager Willem Roell
Set Construction John Mussenden and Powerhouse Members
Hand Properties Sue Johnson, Sandra Leggott, Glen Karstensen
Lighting Operator Dhugael Perry
Sound John Sherrington
Costumes Nola Stone, Shelley Abraham, Tanya Lund, Val Redstone
Publicity Shawna Kelly
Poster Martin Niedballa
Program Wendy Stevens
House Gwen Learey
Production Photographer Laurie MacKay
Foyer Mandy Gilmer and Karen Arnold
Preview Urstla Klassen
First Night Sue and Jane Abbott
Final Night Karen Arnold
Club Photographer Dave Wallden
Bar Co-ordinator Vicki Ryan


Play Memory was entered in the 1988 Okanagan Drama Festival, and won at the Theatre BC Provincial Mainstage Festival. Play Memory also entered and won the Canadian Festival and traveled to Monaco to showcase the performance.

Production Photos