1977 – 1978 Season

About The Play

DirectorDave Robertson
  • Producer

    Annette Reeves


Andrew Wyke Dave Wendel
Milo Tindle Dave Abbott
Inspector Doppler Michael Jay Finly
Detective Sergeant Tarrant Phil Sherwood
Police Constable Higgs Simon Bartlett


Set Design Doug Huggins
Stage Manager Brian Casement
ASM Willem Roell
Set Construction George Remmington, George Siver, Peter Reeves, Peter Jemmeson, Geoff White, Ron McLean, Chris Bayne, David Jones, Patrick Hickenbottom, John Maguire, Gaby Casement, Linda Jensen, Lari Davies, Wendy Stevens,Norma MacPhail, Otto Wickstrom
Lighting Peter Huggins
assisted by Chris Reeves
Sound Bob Walker, Leigh Perry
Properties Cathy Manuel, Val Redstone, Steven Yochim
Set Décor Annette Reeves, Nancy Siver
Costumes Sharon Wickstrom
Make Up Scotty Perry, Lynn Snowball
Publicity Wendy Stevens
Programme Penny Bayne
House Gaby Casement
Box Office Rena Hunter
First Night Dagmar Maguire
Foyer Display Mandy Reeves
Photography Leigh Perry
Life- Like Sailor and Gilt Picture Frames Sandra Watts

Production Photos