1 Planning

  1. Know preview date and length of performance.
  2. Obtain names and numbers of invited preview night guests from seat allotment sheet.
  3. Obtain names from the Administrative Producer of other invited guests of the Powerhouse authorized to attend the Final Dress Rehearsal.

2 Working

  1. At least two weeks before preview phone schools regarding date, time, number of students allowed. Confirm need for teacher accompaniment and student discipline. Have tickets available for confirmed students only. Roll of “admit one” tickets available at stationery stores. Before purchasing check to see if there are any ticket rolls in the drawers at the foyer bar or in the stationery cupboard in the office.
  2. Call and invite members of senior citizen’s homes, golden age clubs etc. Be prepared to let them know what the play is about and if it is a comedy or drama and whether it contains frightening or disturbing scenes or swearing or smoking. Contact the director to find out this information.
  3. Arrange to have two or three helpers to take tickets and serve pop and coffee at intermission. Contact the bar manager to arrange for supplies and a cash float.
  4. Contact membership coordinator or designate to arrange that they will be in the lobby for an hour before curtain to collect membership dues and issue cards.
  5. Familiarize yourself with fire and safety regulations.

3 Final Dress Rehearsal

  1. Be at theatre one hour before performance.
  2. Put out “No Parking” and “Handicapped” signs in front of theatre.
  3. Unlatch both doors with the allen key.
  4. Close auditorium doors.
  5. Hearing assist headphones are located in the slide out drawer beside the fridge. Read instructions. Collect keys from patron.
  6. Advise stage manager if seats have to be removed for wheelchairs.
  7. Receive the guests as they arrive but do not seat anyone in auditorium until the stage manager advises you to do so.
  8. Hand out programs with discretion.
  9. Seat people with walkers and wheelchairs and seniors in the first few rows.
  10. Advise students there is no smoking, eating or drinking in the auditorium.
  11. Students can be seated when their teacher arrives.
  12. Just prior to curtain check to make sure everyone is seated in the auditorium and ensure that no videotaping or photographs are taken. Arrange to have one of your ushers sit in seat Q1 which is reserved for house staff. Once the patrons are in close top door first, then the lower auditorium door. Advise the stage manager that the house is ready.
  13. Be in foyer at all times during performances to answer the phone and greet any possible late arrivals. Prepare the coffee and pop for sale in the intermission.
  14. Late arrivals must enter auditorium by the top door – NEVER LOWER DOOR AND NEVER DURING BLACK-OUT PERIOD. Allow them entry ONLY when there is light and noise on the stage in order to avoid any distraction.
  15. Do not open doors at intermission or the end of the play until the house lights are up. The lower door has a light in the ceiling just in front of the door and it operates with the house lights. Wait until this light is on FULL before opening the doors.
  16. After intermission ensure all guests are seated. Check to be sure no one is in the washroom or the green room or outside smoking. If they are have them take their seats immediately. AGAIN – close top door first and then the lower door.
  17. Clean up beverage supplies and unplug coffee pot. Count float and put in appropriate envelope. Count money made from selling drinks and insert in envelope recording the amount on the front. Leave money where bar manager advises, usually in the cash box, which is placed in the drawer in the foyer fridge. Lock fridge.
  18. At the end of performance (after house lights are up) help senior citizens out of the auditorium and stay in foyer. Open both the front doors until all the audience has left.
  19. Bring in “No Parking” signs. Latch both doors with the Allen key.
  20. Check auditorium for dropped articles and programs, saving any that are still in good condition and put them where other programs are stored.
  21. Be certain auditorium doors are closed and that the doors to the alley (audience left) are tightly closed.

4 Strike

  1. Attend strike and assist in cleaning of theatre.
  2. Return job description manual to producer.


There is to be no disposal or sale of any asset of Powerhouse Theatrical Society, without the express permission of a department head or director. There are no exceptions to this policy. This includes but is not limited to props, sound equipment, lighting equipment, tools or costumes.